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Kangaro Stapler Heavy Duty DS 23 S 13 QL
Kangaro Stapler Heavy Duty DS 23 S 13 QL

Kangaro Stapler Heavy Duty DS 23 S 13 QL

19 % off



The Kangaro Heavy Duty Stapler DS-23 S 13 QL is a reliable and efficient stapler designed for various applications. Its quick loading mechanism, built-in staple remover, and sturdy construction make it a valuable tool for your stapling needs.


for 51 Qty (₹1,136.00 / piece)

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  • The Kangaro Heavy Duty Stapler DS-23 S 13 QL is a versatile and dependable stapler suitable for a wide range of stapling tasks. It is engineered to provide efficient and error-free stapling solutions for various applications.
  • This stapler is equipped with a quick loading mechanism, making it effortless to insert staples. By simply lifting the stapler top, you can quickly and easily load staples, saving time and effort during the stapling process.
  • Another convenient feature of this stapler is the built-in reload indicator and staple remover. The reload indicator ensures that you are aware of the staple status, preventing unexpected interruptions during your tasks. Additionally, the built-in staple remover is a handy tool for efficiently removing staples, further enhancing your productivity.
  • The Kangaro Heavy Duty Stapler DS-23 S 13 QL features a plastic body strengthened with heavy-duty steel components. This combination of materials provides durability and reliability, ensuring that the stapler can withstand the demands of frequent use.
  • The stapler includes a standard viewing slot that indicates the staple remover's location. This feature simplifies the process of staple removal and minimizes the risk of damage to your documents.
  • It's important to note that this type of stapler with built-in reload indicators and staple removers is available in many staplers, offering a helpful solution for quick and error-free work completion

Because of HIGH FESTIVE ORDERS, currently "Customisation - Approval - Delivery" will take 15 - 30 days. Place Your Order Today !

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